
Festival Results

                              Federation of Music Festivals of Nova Scotia
             Results of Classes at the 39th Nova Scotia Provincial Music Festival
 Senior/Advanced Vocal            Maggie Anderson, NS Kiwanis Music Festival
Intermediate Vocal             Chiara Zwicker, Truro Music Festival
Senior/Advanced Piano            Jenny Chen, NS Kiwanis Music Festival
Intermediate Piano             Maggie Wu, NS Kiwanis Music Festival 
Senior/Advanced Strings             Katya McBeth, NS Kiwanis Music Festival 
            Irain Herrera Quiros, NS Kiwanis Music Festival
Intermediate Strings             Erica Blouin, NS Kiwanis Music Festival
Intermediate Woodwind              Grace Bannerman, New Glasgow Music Festival
Intermediate Brass             Simon Bannerman, New Glasgow Music Festival
Senior/Advanced Musical Theatre             Sarah McInnis, NS Kiwanis Music Festival
Intermediate Musical Theatre              Summer Hartlin, NS Kiwanis Music Festival
Intermediate Composer: Solo/Duo              William Hamilton, Truro Music Festival
               Jess Cheverie, New Glasgow Music Festival
Grade 12 and Under School Choir                                                                                                                                                  
Grade 6 and Under School Choir              Harry R. Hamilton School Choir, 
             NS Kiwanis Music Festival, Director: Pamela Burton
19yrs and Under Community Choir                        Cantatrice Ensemble Honour Choir, 
            NS Kiwanis Music Festival, Director: Karen Newhook MacDonald